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TCM0168040-Notes: Standardized Messages (P): Payments (codes from PN to PZ) - HMRC internal handbook - GOV Britain

Note: This guidance provides Standardised Messages for the payments issues listed below. Standardised Messages for other types of payments are listed in TCM0168020.

(codes start with PN)
(codes start with PP)
(codes start with PQ)
(codes start with PR)
(codes start with PS)
(codes start with PT)
(codes start with PU)
(codes start with PW)
(codes start with PX)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Payments new referrals

Referrals are received on the New Referrals Team from Enquiry Centres, Contact Centres or from any part of Customer Service and Support Group (CSSG). An initial payment to cover arrears may be made. Regular four-weekly payments are then set up on the database.

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PN01 - TCO to assume responsibility. R92TC(serial no.) sent/URP requested [delete as appropriate] for £(XXXX) CTC and £(XXXX) WTC paid to (insert details) as per (IREC) ref. For period (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY). 4 wkly pyts of £(XXXX)CTC & £(XXXX)WTC next due (DD/MM/YY). Paid in advance After referral from the Enquiry Centre, TCO has assumed responsibility for setting up manual cashcheque payments. Form R92TC is sent to Valuables Team with details of the payment to be made. The manager on the New Referrals Team will authorise the form R92TC before sending it to Valuables Team. It should be assumed that from the date of authorisation the cashcheque may take up to ten working days to reach the customer. Once the paperwork has been sent to Valuables Team, they send it on to Revenue Finance Worthing for the cashcheque to be issued. The user requested payments are authorised by the Valuables Team through the Authorise Requested Payments work list.
PN02 - R92TC(serial no.) sent/URP requested [delete as appropriate] for £(XXXX) CTC and £(XXXX) WTC paid to (insert details) as per (CRCC) ref. For period (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) 4 wkly pyts of £(XXXX)CTC & £(XXXX)WTC next due (DD/MM/YY). Paid in arrears/advance A referral has been received from a Contact Centre. The form R92TC is then completed for the amounts shown. A manual payment means that the cashcheque will be sent by 1st Class post to the customer. The manager on the New Referrals Team will authorise the form R92TC before sending it to Valuables Team. Valuables Team will then send it to Revenue Finance Worthing for the cashcheque to be issued. It should be assumed that from the date of authorisation the cashcheque may take up to ten working days to reach the customer. The user requested payments are authorised by the Valuables Team through the Authorise Requested Payments work list.
PN03 - R92TC (serial no.) sent/URP requested [delete as appropriate] for £(XXXX) CTC and £(XXXX) WTC paid to (insert details) as per (DIR/MP/CRT) ref. For period (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) 4 wkly pyts of £(XXXX)CTC & £(XXXX)WTC next due (DD/MM/YY). Paid in arrears/advance Form R92TC has been completed for the amounts shown. The Director’s Hotline, MP Hotline and any section within Customer Service and Support Group (CSSG) may request these payments. They may be paid in arrears or in advance. If the Household Note states the initial payment is an ‘Immediate’ payment, the payment will be sent by recorded delivery to the customer. Form R92TC is then authorised by the manager on the New Referrals Team and sent to Valuables Team. It should be assumed that from the date of authorisation, the cashcheque may take up to ten working days to reach the customer if it is a normal manual payment. The user requested payments are authorised by the Valuables Team through the Authorise Requested Payments work list.
PN04 - EC, CRCC, DIR, MP, CRT (select) Referral received. No action taken as award now in pyt via NTC core including arrears A manual payment referral has been received but the case is in payment on the tax credits computer. No further action has been taken.
PN05 - Duplicate EC, CRCC, DIR, MP, CRT (select) referral received. No action taken as not an amendment Self-explanatory.
PN06 - R92TC (serial no.) FOR (amounts and elements) AUTH BY (name/group) The manager has authorised the form R92TC. This Household Note must be entered by managers only.
PN07 - R92TC (serial no.) sent/URP requested [delete as appropriate] for a (manual/immediate pyt) of (amounts and elements). This is a one off pyt to cover DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
PN08 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PN09 - EC, CRCC, DIR, MP, CRT (select) Referral refused as address is RLS. Re-refer once address confirmed Self-explanatory.
PN10 - Manual payments added to the database as per CRT referral. 1st pymt of £XX.XX CTC & £ WTC due dd/mm/yy then regular 4 weekly payments of £XX.XX CTC & £ WTC from dd/mm/yy. Auth by (operator initials and team) Self-explanatory.
PN11 - Manual payments added to the URP database as per CRT referral. 1st pymt of £XX.XX CTC & £ WTC due dd/mm/yy then regular 4 weekly payments of £ CTC & £XX.XX WTC from dd/mm/yy. Auth by (operator initials and team) Self-explanatory.
PN12 - IMMEDIATE HARDSHIP PAYMENT - £xx paid direct to customer 1/2 bank account. Customer informed this will be deducted from future payments. This is a one off payment. Auth by (insert PID). PLEASE POST TO ACCOUNT. Customer has received a Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS) hardship payment following a referral from EST, Compliance or system problem.
PN13 - Hardship Payment Voucher sent to (insert customers name) for Manual Payment of £xxxx WTC & £xxxx CTC. Customer informed this will be deducted from future payments. This is a one-off payment to cover 20xx-20xx. Auth by (insert PID). PLEASE POST TO ACCOUNT Customer has received a Payment Voucher hardship payment following a referral from EST, Compliance or system problem.

Payment maintenance

Check each entry on the Manual Payments BF list to check if any of the entries have gone into payment by the computer. If the entry has not gone into payment, a manual cashcheque payment is issued. If the entry has gone into payment, the entry is cleared from the Manual Payment database.

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PP01 - For payment due (DD/MM/YY) R92TC (serial no.) sent/URP requested to (insert details) for £(XXXX) WTC and/or £(XXXX) CTC. as per IREC request . Next payment due (DD/MM/YY) This Household Note is used for all BF payments made. This Household Note provides the regular four-weekly amount, the due date of the current payment and the due date of the next payment.
PP02 - No manual payment issued to (insert details) for (WTC/CTC) due date (DD/MM/YY), as (reason). Referred back to Band D to be cleared from database This Household Note is used for all BF cases that are refused payment. This Household Note provides the reason why payment was refused and the manager’s action.
PP03 - Case cleared from manual payments database as address on NTC (cannot be confirmed/is RLS). Please email (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) when correct address confirmed to reinstate payments If the address on the computer has an RLS marker, the case is closed on the Manual Payment database. The address is cleared from the Manual Payment database if the address can not be fully clarified from the details held on the correction screens and an entry in Household Notes.
PP04 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PP05 - For payment due dd/mm/yy. URP requested to Mr/Mrs X for £XXX CTC and £XXX WTC (delete as appropriate) for manual payment as per CRCC/CRT/MP/DIR/IREC (delete as appropriate) request. Next payment due dd/mm/yy. Auth by Self-explanatory.
PP06 - Recalculation of manual pyts: Changes of circumstances identified, (FTE/ CCC/ Income/ Uprating/ Working Hours/ New baby/ Ch over 1yr/ Stop work/ Start work, delete as appropriate) referred to 13/3 for recalculation of CTC/WTC Self-explanatory.
PP07 - (DD/MM/YY) Postings for (tax years) checked & correct Self-explanatory.
PP08 - No URP payment issued to Mr/Mrs X for CTC/WTC (delete as appropriate) due date (DD/MM/YY) as (Enter Reason). Referred back to 13/02 to be cleared from database Initials Gp/Team Self-explanatory.
PP09 - Case cleared from manual payments database as address on NTC (cannot be confirmed/is RLS). Please email (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) when correct name (insert name), address (insert address) and NINO (insert NINO) confirmed to reinstate payments. Initials Gp/Team Self-explanatory.
PP10 - Recalculation of URP manual payments: Change of circumstances identified, (Reason) referred to 13/3 for recalculation of CTC/WTC Initials/Gp Team Self-explanatory.
PP11 - Case not suitable for PXRM as no 07/08 award or 07/08 part processed. Transferred back to BAU database Self-explanatory.
PP12 - Manual payment referral refused as claim now in payment via the system. Referred back to be cleared from database Manual payment referral has been refused because the tax credits computer is now making payments to the customer.
PP13 - Renewal status is (insert status of renewal), man payts not stopped at 1SD Self-explanatory.
PP14 - Man pyts stopped as a result of 1SD renewals processing Self-explanatory.
PP15 - For payment due dd/mm/yy. URP/R92TC (delete as appropriate) requested to Mr/Mrs X for £XXX CTC and £XXX WTC (delete as appropriate) for manual payment as per CRCC/CRT/MP/DIR/IREC (delete as appropriate) request. Next payment due dd/mm/yy. Annual Declaration not issued case referred to TALLO for further advice Auth by Self-explanatory.
PP16 - Man pyts stopped as a result of 1SD renewals processing. If restore request rec’d and after following guidance TCM0262260 claim is eligible for restore, refer to Manual Payments stating claim is eligible for restore Self-explanatory.

Payment queries

When a customer calls to query when their next payment is due, they will be advised how to find this information from their award notice for future reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PQ01 - Advised cust of pyt schedule and to keep their award notice for future ref Self-explanatory
PQ02 - 2ND call from cust. Advised cust of pyt schedule and to keep their award notice for future ref Self- explanatory
PQ03 - Cust called back within one month, and has again been advised of pyt schedule and that they must retain the information Self- explanatory

Missing payment referrals

When a customer has not received a payment, they may visit their local Enquiry Centre or phone a Contact Centre. Referral form TC241 is then sent to the Missing Payments Team for them to investigate why the payment has not been received.

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PR01 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused - already cancelled and re-profiled A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. This payment has now been cancelled and will be re-profiled overnight.
PR02 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused - already cancelled. Responsibility to re-profile lies with AFP worklist A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. This has been cancelled and will be processed by a member of staff working on the Applicant Failed Payment work list.
PR03 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused - no change in bank details. Statements required A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. No action has been taken as all previous payments have been sent to the same bank account. The customer must provide bank statements to prove this payment has not been received.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR04 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused - payments have credited correct amount. Confirmed by Bank Liaison A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. No action has been taken as the Bank Liaison Team has confirmed that this payment has been credited to the customer’s bank account.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR05 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Fax sent to Bank Liaison to investigate. Awaiting response Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR06 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused as this has already been re-profiled Another member of staff has already re-profiled this payment. No further action is required.
PR07 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). This has now been cancelled and will be re-profiled in the near future Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR08 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Refused. Payments have dropped off the schedule. Unable to cancel. (Name) is now being paid manually A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. This is due to a system fault. We are unable to cancel and re-profile the payment, so the customer is now being paid manually.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR09 - Missing BACS ref received for pymt due (DD/MM/YY) . Refused. Pymts have dropped off the schedule. (Name) needs to contact local HMRC Enquiry Centre and ask them to send an Annexe BI to TCO. TCO will then make manual payments until resolved A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. This is due to a system fault. We are unable to cancel and re-profile the payment. The customer needs to contact their local Enquiry Centre so that an Annexe BI form can be sent to TCO by the Enquiry Centre. When this is received, manual payments will be set up.
PR10 - Missing BACS referral received for £(XXXX). Payment due (DD/MM/YY). Missing BACS payment has now been received. No further action Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PR11 - Missing POCA referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). (insert details) will need to contact POCA helpline on 0845 7223344 A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a POca payment. The customer has a POca and must contact the POca helpline.
PR12 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). These were paid into an old bank account but customer still has access. Confirmed by Bank Liaison Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2013 - PR13 - TC241 recd - missing cashcheque due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Cashcheque cancelled on system, replacement refused as missing cashcheque already replaced at Enquiry Centre A form TC241 has been received. The missing payment has already been replaced by an Enquiry Centre. No further action necessary
PR14 - TC241 recd - missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate) (no.XXXXXXXXX) due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). This has been cancelled, reissued and will be re-profiled soon Form TC241 has been received. The missing payment has now been cancelled and reissued and will be re-profiled on the tax credits computer.
PR15 - Duplicate TC241 recd - already cancelled and reprofiled, see H/H note dated (DD/MM/YY) NFA A duplicate form TC241 has been received. A replacement payment has been refused because this payment has already been cancelled and re-profiled. No further action necessary.
PR16 - TC241 recd re missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate) due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). TC241 signed on (DD/MM/YY), pymt only issued/auth (DD/MM/YY) so not enough time allowed for payment to arrive. 241 returned to clmt to confirm that the payment is still missing A form TC241 has been received. A replacement payment has been refused and no further action taken because there was not enough time for the payment to arrive.
PR17 - TC241 recd regarding missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate). Returned to customer to sign and date A form TC241 has been received. It has been returned to the customer to sign and date.
PR18 - TC241 received regarding missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate). Insufficient information. LFC issued to customer A form TC241 has been received. A replacement payment has been refused because the customer has not completed the form TC241. A letter has been issued to the customer to establish which payment is missing.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR19 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Payment has been cancelled but not re-profiled. Account details have been updated, yet pyts appear to have been halted after (DD/MM/YY). Possible vantive to be raised A referral has been received stating a customer has not received a BACS payment. The payment that has not been received has been cancelled on the tax credits computer, but has not yet been re-profiled. The payments have been halted from the date shown, possibly due to a system problem.
This Note no longer used from 4 April 2009 - PR20 - TC241 recd re missing manual cashcheque (insert cashcheque number). Replacement R92TC (serial no.) issued to (insert details) for £(XXXX ) WTC & £(XXXX) CTC. Awaiting auth Form TC241 has been received. A replacement manual cashcheque has been issued. The Household Note provides the amount and the serial number.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR21 - Missing BACS referral received for payment due (DD/MM/YY). Officer liaising with Bank Liaison and other areas before further action A BACS WAM (Work Area Mailbox) referral has been received stating non-receipt of the payment. Due to Compliance activity, we are unable to proceed without permission or consultation with (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) and there could be a delay.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2012 - PR22 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR23 - R92tc(serial number) for £00.00CTC and £00.00WTC Authorised by (details) For use by managers only when checking Form R92TCs on the Missing Payments Team.
This Note no longer used from 4 April 2009 - PR24 - TC241 received regarding lost / stolen / damaged (delete as appropriate) payment referred to Manual Payment Team for reissue Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 4 April 2009 - PR25 - Cashcheque serial number (XXXXXXX), amount (XXX.XX) cancelled on system and referred to Manual Payments Team to reissue User Requested Payment A user requested payment has been returned and needs to be re-issued.
PR26 - TC241 recd re b/date pyt (see H/H note DD/MM/YY). Finance Worthing confirmed this pyt was never issd. Therefore this is NOT a missing pyt. Case tf’d to Gp (XX) to issue the relevant pmt. NFA A form TC241 has been received. Backdating payment was never issued, so is not missing. Transferred to the group noted for action.
PR27 - Letter recd from clmt dated (DD/MM/YY) re missing cashcheque.TC241 sent to clmt to complete and return Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 4 April 2009 - PR28 - TC241 recd re manual pyt (see H/H note DD/MM/YY). Vals confirmed this pyt was never issued. Therefore is NOT a missing pyt. Case tf’d to Group(XX) A form TC241 has been received. Valuables confirm manual cashcheque was never issued, so is not missing. Transferred to the group noted for action.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR29 - TC241 recd re missing cashcheque R92TC (no XXXXXXXXX) /URP [delete as appropriate] due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX).This has been cancelled, reissued and will be re-profiled soon A form TC241 has been received regarding a missing cashcheque. Manual payment re-issued.
PR30 - TC241 recd re missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate) - Not signed by payee - TC241 returned to (Payees Name) to complete, sign and return Self-explanatory. A form TC241 has not been signed by the payee.
PR31 - TC241 recd - requested sight of original cashcheque (no XXXXXXXXX) before replacement can be considered A form TC241 has been received. Sight of the original cashcheque has been requested.
PR32 - TC241 recd - cashcheque returned not missing - see H/H note dated (DD/MM/YY) A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque was previously returned,so not actually missing.
This Note no longer used from 26 June 2009 - PR33 - TC241 recd re missing manual pyt (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Cashcheque checked and signature doesn’t match clmts A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque check shows that the signature does not match the payee’s signature.
PR34 - TC241 recd re missing manual pyt (DD/MM/YY for £(XXXX). Replacement refused as cashcheque checks showed that they were cashed and signature matched clmts A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque check shows that the signature matches the customer’s signature.
PR35 - TC241 received regarding missing cashcheque dated (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Unable to cancel as not showing as posted - passed to TALLO for further advice action A form TC241 has been received. Unable to cancel as not posted, passed to TALLO for further action.
PR36 - TC241 recd re missing manual cashcheque / URP (insert cashcheque number) due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Cashcheque cancelled. Replacement R92TC (serial no.) sent / URP requested A form TC241 has been received. Cashcheque has been cancelled. Replacement R92TC (serial no.) sent / URP requested.
PR37 - TC241 recd re manual pyt (see H/H note DD/MM/YY). Manual Payment Team confirmed this pyt was never issued. Therefore is NOT a missing pyt. Case tf’d to Group(XX) A form TC241 has been received. Manual Payment Team confirm manual cashcheque was never issued, so is not missing. Transferred to the group noted for action.
PR38 - TC241 rec’d requested sight of original cashcheque (insert cashcheque number) before replacement can be considered Self-explanatory.
PR39 - TC241 rec’d re: missing pyt (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Payment replaced, cashcheque/s cashed & appear signed by 3rd party. (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque shows that the signature does not match the payee’s signature.
PR40 - TC241 rec’d re: missing pyt (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Replacement refused as cashcheque/s cashed & signature similar to app’s. (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque shows that the signature matches the customer’s signature.
PR41 - TC241 rec’d re: missing pyt (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX). Replacement refused as cashcheque/s/payable order paid into bank acc. (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) A form TC241 has been received. The cashcheque/payable order shows that the cashcheque/payable order was paid into a bank account.
PR42 - TC241 rec’d re missing pymnt (DD/MM/YY) for £ (XXX). Replacement refused as PARS system shows pymnt cashed. If App wishes to follow up, contact Replacement Cashcheques Team - TCO Grp 18/06 Request sight of cashcheque. (initials) The customer has completed form TC241 for a missing cashcheque, but the PARS system is showing that the cashcheque has already been cashed and will not be replaced.
PR43 - (Today’s date). Previous TC241 notes to storage. If App wants to follow up PR42 note on 00/00/00 then new TC241 needed. Write phrase “Request Sight of Cashcheque” in Section 1 after the missing serial number. Send to Replacement Cash Cheque Team as normal. (initials) Form TC241 archived and sent to storage.
PR44 - TC241 form received regarding missing cashcheque/payable order/payment voucher (delete as appropriate) for £ (XXXX) due (DD/MM/YY). Claimant has advised that the payment has now been rec’d/found, see HH note dated (DD/MM/YY). NFA A form TC241 has been received. Customer confirms missing payment has been received or found. See the Household Note for more information. No further action necessary.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR45 - Hardship payment of £(XXXX) made, issued by Enquiry Centre, see H/H note (DD/MM/YY) this will be deducted from the replacement payment Hardship payment issued by Enquiry Centre. This will be deducted from the replacement payment. See the Household Note for more information.
This Note no longer used from 09/11/2016 - PR46 - TC241 form received re missing payment R92. no (XXXXXX) due (DD/MM/YY) for £ (XXXX), cashcheque number (XXXXXXX). Request made to Finance to confirm if cashcheque has been cashed or is unpaid. Case BF’d Received missing cashcheque payment. Request made to Finance to confirm if cashcheque has been cashed or is unpaid. A BF has been set on the case.
PR47 - TC241 form received re missing URP payment for £ (XXXX) cashcheque number XXXXXXX due (DD/MM/YY). This has been cancelled and replacement URP payment requested to (XXX) for £ (XXXX) WTC and £ (XXXX) CTC. Awaiting authorisation A form TC241 has been received, the missing payment replaced and paid to a third party’s bank account. Case sent to Compliance.
PR48 - TC241 form received re missing payment for £(XXXX) due (DD/MM/YY) payment number (XXXXXXX).Request sent to Finance to cancel payment. Case BF’d A form TC241 has been received, but unable to cancel missing payment on the tax credits computer. Request sent to Finance to cancel payment before missing payment action can be completed.
PR49 - TC241 form received re missing payment (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX) cashcheque number (XXXXXXX). Payment replaced, cashcheque paid into 3rd party bank account A form TC241 has been received, the payment replaced and a cashcheque paid into a third party’s bank account.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR50 - Duplicate TC241 form received re missing payment (DD/MM/YY) for £ (XXXX) cashcheque number (XXXXXXX). We have already dealt with this request by replacing/refusing the missing payment. See household note dated (DD/MM/YY) with prefix PR. No further action necessary Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 09 November 2016 - PR51 - Duplicate TC241 form received re missing payment (DD/MM/YY) for £ (XXXX) cashcheque number (XXXXXXX). The case has not yet been worked. Request passed to line manager to investigate and work as appropriate Self-explanatory.
PR52 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) Refused. Query being dealt with by Corrections Team. Any pyt will be remitted once claim amended. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR53 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) Refused. Former partner entitled to pyt due to joint claim. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR54 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) Refused. Pyt made to third party account at customer’s request. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR55 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX) Refused. Pyt credited to correct acct - overdrawn/frozen acct (Delete as applicable). Customer to contact bank direct. NFA. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR56 - Missing Pyt cheque rec’d in Post Room for third Party for £(XXXX) to cover pyts due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY). Confirmation e-mail sent to Post Room. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR57 - Third party cheque rec’d in Post Room from customer £(XXXX). To repay pyts credited to acct from another claim. NOTE: This is not an overpyt on this claim. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR58 - Missing Pyt referral rec’d for pyt due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY). Bank refuse to/cannot respond to enquiry. Bacs Trace and letter issued advising customer to contact Bank direct. NFA. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR59 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) £(XXXX). Bank advise pyt returned but not on NTC system. BF one month or till pyt returned. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR60 - Missing Pyt referral rec’d for pyt due (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY). Bank advise pyt returned to TCO by cheque - no trace found. Customer to contact Bank direct. NFA. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
The Note no longer used from 09/11/2016 - PR61 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pyts due (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX) Refused. Bank returned pyt ISA full for Tax Year. Customer to contact bank direct. NFA. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR62 - Third party TC customer R97 sent to DMB Shipley for recovery of £(XXXX) credited to customer’s acct from another claim. NOTE This is not an overpyt on this claim. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR63 - Correct customer R97 sent to DMB Shipley for recovery of £(XXXX) credited to third party acct from this claim. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR64 - Missing payment referral rec’d for payment due (DD/MM/YY). Query being dealt with by (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR65 - (Fax/Letter) Bacs Proof included sent to (insert name of bank) re (number) missing pyts due (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY). Requesting whereabouts awaiting reply. (Initials)/Grp7/Tm4 A letter or fax Bacs Proof included has been sent to the customer’s bank about the payments they have not received.
PR66 - Missing Bacs referral rec’d for pymt (DD/MM/YY) for £(XXXX) refused - Customer provided incorrect Bank details on (insert details). Payments will not be cancelled and reissued unless returned from Third Party customer. (Initials) Grp7/Tm4 Self-explanatory.
PR67 - TC241 recd re missing payment. Replacement refused as system shows payment has been cashed using customer’s identification. If customer wishes to follow up they must provide crime reference number. TC241 completed re missing payment, system shows payment cashed and will not be replaced.
PR68 - Additional missing payment for £(xxxx) paid on DD/MM/YY not received. Referral sent. Customer states an additional BACS payment has not been received.
PR69 - Another additional missing payment for £(xxxx) paid on DD/MM/YY not received. Referral sent. Customer states another additional BACS payment has not been received.

Suspended Payments work list

An entry is created on the Suspended Payments work list when the payments on a case are suspended. This may be due to the following reasons

  • the bank account details may be incorrect
  • a manual payment request may have been received
  • Compliance may have suspended the payments.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PS01 - Suspension left on award (insert reason) Self-explanatory.
PS02 - Suspension lifted on award (insert reason) Self-explanatory.
PS03 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PS04 - Suspension lifted on award advised by PGA that pymt should not be suspended to prevent o/p. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS05 - Suspension lifted on award - No Bank details supplied - Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS06 - Suspension lifted on award - no reason in household notes for suspension. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS07 - Suspension lifted on award - Correct Bank details on system - Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS08 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as case Compliance Terminated. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS09 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L Compliance Interest. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS10 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as case HH ended/system terminated. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS11 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as case is being dealt with by Priority 1 team. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS12 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as case is on the RLS worklist. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS13 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as case on AFP W/L. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS14 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as manual giros in payment. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.
PS15 - Suspension left on award, case deleted from suspension W/L as transferred to Complex. Initial/gp/tm Self-explanatory.

Replacement Payment Team

Deal with returned payments that have not been cashed by the customer. This may be due to the following reasons

  • address details may be incorrect
  • the payment may have previously been reported lost
  • the payemnt may have been damaged - for example, torn, washed or spoiled.

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PT01 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxxx) returned (reason). Cancelled and/or reprofiled/re-issued (as applicable) Self-explanatory.
PT02 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) returned (reason). Cancelled and replacement requested to (Mr/Mrs….) for £(xxxx) CTC/WTC. Ref’d to Group 13 Self-explanatory.
PT03 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned (reason). Already cancelled and reprofiled/re-issued - see H/H note DD/MM/YY. No further action Self-explanatory.
PT04 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned RLS. No new address supplied, RLS marker set. Payment cancelled and reprofiled and will be reissued when new address is supplied and updated on system Self-explanatory.
PT05 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) returned RLS. No new address supplied, RLS marker set. Payment cancelled - please advise cust to write in to request replacement when new address is supplied Self-explanatory.
PT06 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) not cancelled as not posted. Replacement payment requested to (Mr/Mrs…..) for £ (xxxx) CTC/WTC. Ref’d to Group 13 Self-explanatory.
PT07 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned with a change of circs (enter details of change reported). Change already actioned, payment cancelled and reprofiled Self-explanatory.
PT08 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned with a change of circs (enter details of change reported). TC648 sent to Change of Circs team, payment cancelled only, will be reprofiled/re-issued when change actioned Self-explanatory.
PT09 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned as ap1/ap2 deceased. Payment cancelled, TC648 sent to Priority 1 team (delete as appropriate) Self-explanatory.
PT10 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxx) serial number (xxxx) returned by Post Office. Sent to Compliance (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) Self-explanatory.
PT11 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) referred to Finance (Worthing) to be posted on NTC system. Already replaced, to be cancelled when posted Self-explanatory.
PT12 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) now posted and cancelled on NTC system. NFA Self-explanatory.
PT13 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) cannot be posted onto NTC system. Already replaced, NFA Self-explanatory.
PT14 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) serial number (xxxx) returned, currently unable to cancel/reprofile due to EARS xxxxxxxx Self-explanatory.
PT15 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) returned, currently unable to cancel due to EARS xxxxxxxx Self-explanatory.
PT16 - Cashcheque/Payable Order/Payment Voucher dated DD/MM/YY £ (xxxx) original R92 number (xxxx) returned RLS. New address now shown on system. Cancelled and/or reprofiled/re-issued (as applicable) Self-explanatory.

Incorrectly posted girocheques or cashcheques

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PU01 - Correspondence (insert details) sent to (insert team) Referral for giro or cashcheque received. Referral sent on to the person or team working the case.
PU02 - Correspondence (insert details) sent to storage Self-explanatory.
PU03 - Cashcheque for £(enter amount) has been incorrectly posted to (insert year) but as payment schedule has not been created for (insert year) the cashcheque can not be moved Self-explanatory.
PU04 - Manual cashcheque payments posted to the schedule of the wrong tax year referred to TALLO to be added to the Manual Payment PXPJ Reallocation spreadsheet. Do not remove payment suspension Self-explanatory.
PU05 - Manual payment posting request sent to Finance Worthing. Do not remove payment suspension Self-explanatory.
PU06 - Manual payments posted. Payment suspension removed Self-explanatory.

Immediate payments due to hardship

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 07/05/2013 - PW01 - AT Customer displays exceptional circumstances and is in extreme hardship therefore referred to [insert nearest local Enquiry Centre] to request immediate payment. Health warning given. Group/Team. PI Number. Initials [DD/MM/YY] The customer has requested an immediate payment due to extreme hardship. They have been referred to their nearest local Enquiry Centre. They have been informed that although they may receive an appointment at the Enquiry Centre to request payment they may not be provided with an immediate payment.
This Note no longer used from 07/05/2013 - PW02 - AT Customer details referred to the National Payment Team (NPT) to consider making hardship payment. NPT will call the customer by 2pm next working day. Group/Team. PI Number. Initials (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 07/05/2013 - PW03 - AT Customer details referred to National Payment Team (NPT) to consider making hardship payment. NPT will call the customer within 1 hour. Group/Team. PI Number. Initials (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PW04 - AT Customer details referred to Manual Payment Team to make next day payment for (amount) £XXXX.XX. Authorised by (Team/Group/Location) PI Number. Initials (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PW05 - AT Customer details referred to manual Payments team to consider User Request payment (URP). Authorised by (Team/Group/Location) PI Number. Initials (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PW06 - For pyt due DD/MM/YY. URP requested DD/MM/YY for WTC £XXX.XX, CTC £XXX.XX [delete as appropriate], total £XXX.XX. [insert reason for making URP and name or NINO of customer it is paid to]. Period covered DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY. Messages PW07 or PW08 should be added to this note when payment is authorised or rejected.
PW07 - URP AUTH User Requested Payment authorised.
PW08 - URP REJECTED User Requested Payment rejected.
PW09 – URP NOT REQUIRED Customer no longer requesting a User Requested Payment

Payments - Miscellaneous

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’

Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Message Explanation
PX01 - System issued payment in error, specialist team will call customer to arrange repayment System issued payment in error, specialist team will call customer to arrange repayment
PX02 - Incorrect large payment – appointment letter issued to customer – If the customer calls to advise that the appointment time is not suitable please send the referral to arrange a new appointment. Incorrect large payment – appointment letter issued to customer – If the customer calls to advise that the appointment time is not suitable please send the referral to arrange a new appointment.
PX03 - Incorrect large payment – appointment issued, BF expired and unable to contact customer. TCC42 letter issued to customer to advise of overpayment, no further action. Incorrect large payment – appointment issued, BF expired and unable to contact customer. TCC42 letter issued to customer to advise of overpayment, no further action.
PX04 - Incorrect large payment – Telephone call successful, explained reason for overpayment to customer. Customer has agreed to make voluntary full/part payment, TCC42 letter issued. Incorrect large payment – Telephone call successful, explained reason for overpayment to customer. Customer has agreed to make voluntary full/part payment, TCC42 letter issued.
PX05 - Incorrect large payment – TTP arrangement set up to recover overpayment. TCC42 letter issued. Incorrect large payment – TTP arrangement set up to recover overpayment. TCC42 letter issued.
PX06 - Incorrect large payment – telephone call successful, customer does not want to make voluntary payment or set up TTP arrangement. TCC42 letter issued. Incorrect large payment – telephone call successful, customer does not want to make voluntary payment or set up TTP arrangement. TCC42 letter issued.
PX07 - Incorrect large payments case – UC marker set, case stockpiled awaiting policy steer Incorrect large payments case – UC marker set, case stockpiled awaiting policy steer
PX08 - Incorrect large payments case – VLP action previously taken, case stockpiled awaiting policy steer Incorrect large payments case – VLP action previously taken, case stockpiled awaiting policy steer
PX09 - Incorrect large payment - 19/20 award finalised by Capgemini Incorrect large payment - 19/20 award finalised by Capgemini
PX10 - Incorrect large payment - TC602 issued to customer Incorrect large payment - TC602 issued to customer
PX11 - Incorrect large payments - unable to take any further action on case as HH RLS Unable to take any further action on case as HH RLS
PX12 - Incorrect large payments - Previous VLP S19 action taken, unable to take any further action on case Previous VLP S19 action taken, unable to take any further action on case
PX13 - Incorrect large payments - Customer failed to attend appointment. BF until dd/mm/yy. If customer does not make contact we will issue a revised decision notice. Customer failed to attend appointment. BF until dd/mm/yy. If customer does not make contact we will issue a revised decision notice.


Article information

Author: Victoria Leonard

Last Updated: 1698665162

Views: 1709

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (78 voted)

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Author information

Name: Victoria Leonard

Birthday: 1979-08-05

Address: 391 Ross Island, Ashleeport, OR 41656

Phone: +3665139174933744

Job: Video Game Designer

Hobby: Card Collecting, Cooking, Badminton, Surfing, Lock Picking, Role-Playing Games, Yoga

Introduction: My name is Victoria Leonard, I am a radiant, unwavering, Colorful, striking, lively, multicolored, treasured person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.