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In March 2024, Russia Plans To Block VPN - Slashdot

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    Russia's communications watchdog plans to block VPNs from March 1 next year, a Russian senator for the ruling United Russia party said on Tuesday. From a report: Demand for VPN services soared after Russia restricted access to some Western social media after President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine in February 2022. Senator Artem Sheikin said an order from the Roskomnadzor watchdog would come into force on March 1 that would block VPNs. "From March 1, 2024, an order will come into force to block VPN services providing access to sites banned in Russia," Sheikin was quoted as saying by state news agency RIA.


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    Author: Michelle Underwood

    Last Updated: 1698518642

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    Author information

    Name: Michelle Underwood

    Birthday: 1941-12-26

    Address: 667 Pamela Lane, North Michaelmouth, SC 29637

    Phone: +3942530103838917

    Job: Real Estate Agent

    Hobby: Playing Chess, Lock Picking, Badminton, Hiking, Camping, Beekeeping, Poker

    Introduction: My name is Michelle Underwood, I am a skilled, daring, artistic, dear, accessible, cherished, courageous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.